Stoneydown Park extension

Stoneydown Park’s expansion was a joint effort involving the Friends of Stoneydown Park, three local schools, and Waltham Forest Council. Together, we revitalised this once-neglected site on Blackhorse Road, turning it into a vibrant green space with a meadow, hedges, and logs. The project also saw the construction of a new perimeter fence and remodelled entrances, enhancing security for children at play and improving the public realm along Blackhorse Road with additional way-finding, seating, trees, and bike parking.


Initiated in 2017 by a member of the Stoneydown Park Friends group and developed with residents, members of Friends of Stoneydown Park, staff and students of three local schools, arts organisation Create, the GLA and staff from Waltham Forest Council Parks, Transport & Highways and Culture departments, the Stoneydown Park Expansion project demonstrates what can be achieved with a small budget, ambitious proposals and ongoing community engagement.

The Stoneydown Park Expansion project has not only transformed a neglected site but also united neighborhoods by creating a local asset. It now offers a safer and larger natural environment for the many school children and locals who frequent Stoneydown Park, as well as a more appealing walking environment along a popular commuter route to Blackhorse Road Station. The project’s ‘grow, don’t mow’ maintenance regime, informed by local residents, has fostered a natural environment that connects to the nearby landscapes of the Lee Valley Regional Park and the Walthamstow Wetlands. Importantly, this land, which has never been developed, has been preserved for future generations to enjoy.

The site transformed through planting and public realm improvements will be maintained by the LBWF Parks and Highways departments, with additional engagement from local schools and the Friends group. Funding has also been secured to cover the ongoing maintenance of the park.

  • dates:
    2018 – 2021
  • commissioned by:
    LB Waltham Forest supported by Create
  • location:
    Walthamstow, London
  • competition:

    Waltham Forest Making Places

  • funding:

    LB Waltham Forest Making Places commission, GLA Greener City Fund Community Grant Scheme

  • status:


  • awards:

    New London Architecture Award 2021 (shortlisted)